women's hands holding a brown paper covered box wrapped in a black ribbon against a background of whitewashed wood

2023 Wrapped: Our Top 10 Most Popular Higher Ed Articles

9 min read

Rama Eriksson

The year is coming to an end, and with that, the influx of end-of-year compilations.

(Spoiler alert: we are no exception!)

Looking back at the articles from 2023, we’ve collected our top 10 most popular blogs of the year, based on reader views.

Capturing your attention and piquing your curiosity, these are the topics that resonated with you most and we hope you enjoy reading about them again.

Here are our top 10 higher education articles of 2023 - our end-of-the-year gift to you... all wrapped up. 

1. Communicating with Generation Z: Everything You Need to Know 

This article has been our #1 since it was first published, underscoring Gen Z’s importance within higher ed marketing. Providing insights and tips on how to reach and engage Gen Z students, it covers topics such as the characteristics, preferences, and expectations of Gen Z, the best channels and strategies to communicate with them, and the common mistakes and challenges to avoid. 

Learn why communicators need to adapt to Gen Z’s fast-paced, mobile, and visual-oriented style, you can read the full article here. 


student inflation #22. Recognising the Impact of Inflation on Students

Understandably, the timely and critical topic of inflation was top of mind with our readers in 2023.

This article highlights the challenges U.S. college students face with their daily cost of living during times of financial challenge like record-high inflation.

It also examines how financial stress affects students’ mental well-being, while offering practical tips for assisting students cope.

Read the full article: Recognising the Impact of Inflation on Students 


3. The First 8 Seconds—Capturing the Attention of Gen Z Students 

Communicating effectively with Generation Z is no easy task. When dealing with an attention span of only 8 seconds, higher ed communications have to work harder and smarter. This article details the strategies that can be used to capture their interest and engagement.... quickly 


student inflation #2-14. Why Student Associations are Essential to the University Experience  

Student associations enrich the student social experience. Evaluating the historical role of student associations and including their contribution to society, in our blog, we detail student associations' involvement in representing and protecting the interests of students, as well as, promoting diversity and inclusion, and fostering a sense of community and belonging. Read more here


 Access data from 23,800 prospective students on their study motivations, preferences and concerns. Plus, look at year-on-year trends and how student behaviour is changing. 

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5. Getting to Know Generation Alpha: 10 Takeaways for Higher Ed   

Close on the heels of Gen Z is Gen Alpha. We looked at the differences between these important generations, along with their implications for higher education institution marketers.

Topics covered include the impact of technology, streaming services, social media, humor, diversity, and social responsibility on Gen Alpha’s behavior and values. Also detailed are specific tips on how to communicate effectively and authentically with Generation Alpha. Read the full article here


student inflation #2 (1)6. Top University Social Media Accounts of 2022   

It does what it says on the tin! We compiled the top-ranked higher education social media accounts, looked at the performance and engagement of the top-ranked institutions on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Importantly, it provides insights, tips, and best practices to improve your university’s social media presence and strategy. 

Read our updated article for 2023: Top University Social Media Accounts of 2023   


 You can also hear more social media tips and best practices from one of our most popular webinars of 2023 - Social Media For Higher Ed

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7. How do OPMs Work? Online Program Management Explained   

Wondering about online program management (OPM)? This article explains what it is, how it works, and why it is important for higher education institutions and students.

More than a program, OPM is defined as a partnership between a university and a service provider that helps the university design, deliver, and market online degree programs. The benefits and challenges of OPM are also examined. Read more on OPMs here.


8. How to Support Students in Online Learning   

Helping students succeed in online courses is a top concern. This article serves as a support guide with tips and strategies and covers such topics as setting expectations, providing feedback, fostering engagement, and creating a sense of community.

Also covered are some of the challenges of online learning and how to address them.  Read the full article: How to Support Students in Online Learning   


student inflation #2 (2)9. 2023 Higher Ed Conference Calendar   

Peer to peer networking is key to staying up-to-date with higher education issues. These conferences offer higher ed professionals the opportunity to meet and interact with others in the field, as well as to learn about the latest trends, challenges, and best practices in student recruitment.

Here is our NEW curated list of the Higher Ed Conferences you can attend in 2024 to help you plan for your next student recruitment cycle: 2024 Higher Ed Conference Calendar   


10. Five Student Recruitment Challenges & How to Overcome Them   

Attracting and enrolling students in higher education institutions is challenging. This article identifies five common challenges and practical solution-oriented tips.

These challenges include reaching and engaging Generation Z, competing in a crowded and global market, and optimizing recruitment efforts, among others. It is a useful resource for anyone who wants to learn more about student recruitment strategies and best practices. 

Read the full article: Five Student Recruitment Challenges & How to Overcome Them   


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