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Keystone Creates Largest European US College Sports Student-Athlete Placement Agency
Official Announcement
The Keystone Education Group (“Keystone”) has announced the launch of Keystone Sports, a placement agency that matches European student-athletes with colleges and universities in the United States.

Keystone merger with EMG forms mega student search business
The PIE News
Hot on the heels of large-scale investment into aggregator platform comes the news that a merger between two Europe-based giants in student search will mean one ambitious company reaching user traffic exceeding 110 million annually, with plans to deliver on enrollment services.

Svenska utbildningsbolaget går samman med norsk konkurrent – omsätter 500 miljoner
[Article published in Swedish]
En gigant med 500 miljoner kronor i omsättning föds när svenska Educations Media Group och norska Keystone Academic Solutions går samman. Nu vill de skapa världens största plattform för studentrekrytering. ”Vi blir dubbelt så stora”, säger grundaren Fredrik Söderlindh, som nu lämnar vd-posten efter 20 år.
The PIE Chat with CEO Erik Harrell
The PIE News
Erik Harrell is CEO of Keystone Education Group, a company which is forming as a result of a merger between Nordic student search businesses, Keystone Academic Solutions and Educations Media Group. He spoke to The PIE in detail about the merger, new company ambitions and the 300% revenue growth achieved in the last 12 months.

Survey suggests US higher education will bounce back in 2022
The PIE News
Funding is top of mind for prospective international students when selecting higher education courses in the US while access to admissions departments at institutions is “pivotal”, research carried out by marketing specialist Keystone Academic Solutions has found.

Keystone Academic Solutions Acquires US College Athletics Placement Firm
Official Announcement
Keystone Academic Solutions (“Keystone”) has acquired Pursue AS, widely known as College Scholarships USA (“CSUSA”), a placement firm for international student-athletes seeking academic opportunities at universities in the United States.